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How to Follow a Corrupt Chain of Command

Writer's picture: Elizabeth F. ThomasElizabeth F. Thomas

Step 1: You don't

For the last few years, I have subscribed to several job seeker and employment blogs that give advice about what to do when faced with various workplace issues. While I can't say that many of the situations applied to me, I have been faced with some doozies.

Most recently, I encountered a situation that really tested my resolve, and I wasn't sure I would be able to just keep it moving like I had in the past. 

Having been out on an FMLA leave of absence, I was ready to return to work, but my doctor was concerned about me returning to the suspected source of my illness on a daily basis. Apart from the fact that my campus was seeing multiple suspected cases of COVID much too regularly for my underlying conditions to not be a consideration, I was experiencing  severe job - related stress and anxiety. As part of my treatment, he advised me to find another place to work. Apparently, to believe that my doctor would even suggest such thing was simply ludicrous, at least for people who are not me. However, my administrator's response was to find ways to force me to leave the campus. Even with my limited knowledge of policy concerning this new territory, I knew going to my campus admin would only result in her getting her way. They needed their jobs, right? I won't even touch the irony in that though. 

My principal's appalling and unprofessional behavior sent me on a journey to find help for my problem. What I found was a bureaucratic wall of sheer and utter BS, that threatened my ability to provide for myself. It was an experience that would involve dealing with every administrative being from the campus principal to the Executive Director for the schools in my area, to the district's board of trustees, finally reaching the desk of the Superintendent  of schools. Quite frankly, it never should have gotten that far. 

Here's the problem, the chain of command was corrupt at the base level, but I could only conclude that their harassment and intimidation had the stamp of approval from the executive director. Upon realizing that I had no allies, hell, no team in the fight, I knew what had to be done. I had to call out the entire chain of command. I have been very vocal about the whole situation since then, as I recognize that the problems I encountered might actually be occurring with some of my colleagues.  

​My complaints have apparently been heard. 

​Just how did I accomplish this result? I decided to flood the local and national media outlets, as well as some big names in the entertainment community, with the story of how my life got turned upside down. I listened to what every administrator with whom I spoke had to say, documenting EVERYTHING said or done by them. I waited patiently for a response, and then I used that information to alert the media, inform them of the situation, and share with them that there had been no response from my district. The following day, I received an email from a member of the board of trustees. Since that time, I haven't had any trouble getting a response, and the offending administrators are currently being investigated.

​Usually in the workplace, you can expect to run into common office issues. That is why a chain of command exists. But when the links in the chain are corroded, where do you turn?​

​I suggest you look inside, muster up the courage you need, pull up your big girl (or boy) pants and remind the public servants you are fighting, why you are worth the fight. 


Elizabeth Thomas is an educator, writer, publisher, entrepreneur, and change agent. She has published three volumes of poetry and two children's books. You can find them at She is also the Editor-in-Chief for Queen Things Online Magazine.

Find Elizabeth on social media at:,,,

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