From how they met, to how they dealt with a very significant pandemic stressor, Derrick and Tiffany Mack share why their marriage works so well. It would be a surprise if everyone who knows them did not agree with me about how solidly built this couple's marriage is. I believe you will find that to be true when you hear their story. They are a team that has mastered the give and take of being partners who have weathered storms of all sizes together.
Tiffany McCurdy seems to be a woman who knows what she wants, and she says that 21 years ago, she made the first move because she knew she wanted to be with Derrick McCurdy. Derrick says he was just as certain, and he told himself he was going to marry her when they met in 9th grade at Skyline High School. They found they had may things in common as teens, and their personalities were a great complement to each other. The McCurdys believe that the existing balance in their marriage is a direct result of the complementary nature of their relationship.
When asked about the philosophies by which they are guided in their relationships, Tiffany and Derrick say they took their example of what Black relationships should look like from the examples around them, and even from the Black families portrayed on television. The two are very candid about the issues that might create friction in their home, but they say they are good about agreeing to disagree.
I asked the couple what components help to keep their marriage strong, Derrick says that the first thing is the love and care that they have for and show to their children. One recurring theme of the interview with the McCurdys was unity. Although they say they can't boast one hundred percent agreement in every situation, they are confident that their willingness to compromise keeps them strong.
The McCurdys are a great example of a what it means to be Black and married in America. Balance and compromise go a long way in their marriage toward keeping it strong and building on the solid foundation they started so many years ago. Best wishes to Derrick and Tiffany, as well as their beautiful children, Darion and Trinity.
Elizabeth Thomas is an educator, writer, publisher, entrepreneur, and change agent. She has published three volumes of poetry and two children's books. You can find them at https://www.latterrainpublishing.com/online-store. She is also the Editor-in-Chief for Queen Things Online Magazine. latterrainpublishing.wixsite.com/queenthingszine.
Find Elizabeth on social media at: www.facebook.com/dueseasonwriters,www.instagram.com/essentialeme,www.twitter.com/essentialeme,www.linkedin.com//in/ethomasmpl/
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